Take the Quiz
Take our BPH quiz to identify if you are experiencing BPH symptoms and help you kick-start the conversation about BPH with your doctor.
Questions to ask your doctor
Helpful hints on how to start the conversation with your doctor.
You’ve tried watchful waiting. You’ve made healthy lifestyle changes. But you’re still living with BPH symptoms.
Perhaps it’s time to talk to your doctor or urologist, who may recommend medication. There are several types of medications commonly used to treat mild to moderate symptoms of BPH.
These drugs are designed to stop the growth of your prostate or even shrink its size – by lowering the production of the hormone DHT, that causes prostate growth. They are often prescribed to men with large prostates.2
Take our BPH quiz to identify if you are experiencing BPH symptoms and help you kick-start the conversation about BPH with your doctor.
Helpful hints on how to start the conversation with your doctor.
Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
DISCLAIMER: *Individual symptoms, situations, circumstances and results may vary. This quiz is meant for information purposes only, it is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor or qualified healthcare provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment.